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Since ‎11-25-2019

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I just wanted to share something I built recently to analyze a customer or user journey using events data: This post assume you have a big table with event type, event timestamp and a user_id. I reused some code from this post The only thing we need ...
Sometimes, you need to connect Looker to your database but you are not a data engineer, so it is handy to have a guided step by step. the sources are the Looker SSH tunnel doc and some google cloud SQL doc In your console, on in compute engine and pr...
Parsing json and array of json is usually a pain, so I just wanted to share what I use to do this. In the following example, I used the dataflow mongoDB template, which is a no code way of piping your data from mongoDB to Bigquery. In this case, the ...
Hi, I struggled to find an easy explanation on how I can easily display my own shapes on a map and then match data with it and display them on a looker viz. So to remember how I did it, I amgoing to document it here. This is detailing the 2 posts fro...
Very often, I work on subscription data, with a typical contract table with a start date, an end date, an amount and a contract length. How can you use this to understand your monthly recurring revenue, churn rate, and all these typical metrics typic...