What git commands are executed under the hood when the "Deploy to Production" button is pressed?

Knowledge Drop

Last tested: Oct 15, 2018

You are in dev mode, working on a branch dev-john-smith-wxyz in the local repo in the looker/models-user-123/project-foo directory.

When you commit, you commit to the local repo under looker/models-user-123/project-foo and also push your changes to the shared repogithub.com/my-company/project-foo - under the branch dev-john-smith-wxyz.

When you deploy to production, Looker first checks that all the commits in github.com/my-company/project-foo branch master are reflected in dev-john-smith-wxyx. If they are not, then you will need to pull changes and merge. Once that is done, you can deploy to production again. Looker will push dev-john-smith-wxyx to the master branch on github.com/my-company/project-foo. When that succeeds it will also then pull master from github.com/my-company/project-foo to the master branch in the local repo in looker/models/project-foo.

If you have pull requests set up, instead of deploying to production Looker will create a pull request against the master branch at github.com/my-company/project-foo. When that PR is accepted and merged into master, then github will issue a webhook to https://my-company.looker.com/webhooks/projects/project-foo/deploy. That will trigger Looker to pull the contents of master from github.com/my-company/project-foo to looker/models/project-foo.

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Last update:
‎07-07-2021 01:15 PM
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