Folding LookML (Collapsing code)

Knowledge Drop

Last Tested: Jan 21, 2019

LookML can be folded with the little arrows next to the row number of a specific dimension or measure. It can also be done via the settings of the LookML file. The following link has detailed instructions on how to use folding.

Only bracketed LookML blocks will be collapsible by default, but it is possible to make any block of code collapsible by using brackets inside comments, as described here. Example:

# my long list of dimensions {

dimension: user_id {

description: "Unique ID for each user that has ordered"

# ... (lots more LookML) ...

sql: ${TABLE}.most_recent_purchase_at ;;


# } / my long list of dimensions

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Version history
Last update:
‎04-05-2021 03:14 PM
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