Download Looker Jar Errors

Knowledge Drop

Last tested: Mar 19, 2020

Invalid Request


This is a catch-all error message for a number of different issues on the download page. Here are some of the main reasons this error can come up:

  1. You are using the wrong license key
  2. You are using the license key for a Looker-hosted instance (only self-hosted licenses can download jar files)
  3. You are using the wrong version name when selecting Specific Version (a valid example is looker-7.4-latest.jar)
  4. You are trying to download a jar for an unsupported release (more info on supported releases here)

You can find more information on the looker jar file download page here.

ERROR 400: Bad Request

One reason for this issue is the formatting for the wget command when using the API method for downloading the jar files. Following the example from the doc:


wget -O- --header=Content-Type:application/json </code>--post-data='{"lic": "YOURLOOKERLICENSE", "email": "", "latest":"specific", </code>"specific":"looker-5.24-latest.jar"}' </code>""

--post-data='{"lic": "YOURLOOKERLICENSE", "email": "", "latest":"specific", </code>"specific":"looker-5.24-latest.jar"}' </code>""

"specific":"looker-5.24-latest.jar"}' </code>""



wget -O- --header=Content-Type:application/json --post-data='{"lic": "YOURLOOKERLICENSE", "email":"", "latest":"specific", "specific":"looker-6.14-latest.jar"}' ""

wget -O- --header=Content-Type:application/json --post-data='{"lic": "YOURLOOKERLICENSE", "email":"", "latest":"specific", "specific":"looker-6.14-latest.jar"}' ""

wget -O- --header=Content-Type:application/json --post-data='{"lic": "YOURLOOKERLICENSE", "email":"", "latest":"specific", "specific":"looker-6.14-latest.jar"}' ""

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Bronze 1
Bronze 1

What about when it happens for every version on this page?

Version history
Last update:
‎05-07-2021 09:48 AM
Updated by: