Databases: Key Terms

Knowledge Drop

Last tested: Dec 9, 2019

Permissions and Objects

Databases restrict what (action) a user can do on which objects. The terms for each of these differ slightly from dialect-to-dialect, but themes will remain the same across all.

  • Permission: What a user can do. Most common examples:
    • SELECT : Can run a query (SELECT *, SELECT AVG(some_column), etc).
    • ALTER/UPDATE TABLE : Can change a table in some way. Usually needs more permissions depending on the action we're trying to take on the table, see below.
    • INSERT: Can add rows to a column in a table.
    • DROP TABLE : Can delete a table.
    • CREATE TABLE : Can create a new table in a given schema
    • GRANT : Can change other user's permissions on the given table.
  • Objects: An object is a container for data or containers containing data. Objects are hierarchal (columns live in tables inside schemas inside databases) and permissions can be granted on each object, individually.
    • Database: Databases are themselves objects (meta I know). A database is a grouping of schemas.
    • Schema: A container for tables. Typically, a given schema will contain tables that relate to each-other in some way.
    • Table: A container for columns of data.
    • Column: A container for cells of data. Some databases do not allow column-level permissions.
  • Role: A grouping of permissions over a given set of objects. A user's role could have permission to run SELECT on table1 and no permissions on table2, drop table on tables in schema1 and only select permissions on tables in schema2, etc.
  • Group: A way of bulk-managing multiple user's Roles.

Other terms you may see in the wild:

  • Temp Table: Some databases support the creation of temporary(ish) tables derived from a SQL query. These are roughly equivalent to Looker's concept of Persistent Derived Tables, and can be queried like any other table. Synonyms: Derived Table (MySQL), View, Virtual Table
    • Temp Tables are generally created with the CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE(MySQL) command, or the CREATE VIEW command (in other dialects).
  • Stored Process: A custom-user-defined function that can be used in a query. Basically a snippet of SQL that can be passed parameters and called by referring to it's user-given function name. Synonyms: UDF (User Defined Function -- BigQuery), Stored Procedure
    • For example, we could create a function SUBTRACT(colx, coly) that takes values from column x and column y and subtracts them.
    • UDFs can be defined in and used by Looker in some dialects with the sql_preamble: LookML parameter (see Lloyd's Community article here for a great example).
  • Virtual Warehouse: You'll usually hear this term in the context of Snowflake, however some other databases have a similar notion. In Snowflake, a data warehouse (virtual warehouse) is a SQL engine (the compute power that generates and runs queries) shared by one or more databases.
  • Information Schema: Database tables that store metadata about the database. Users and their permissions, information about objects and the datatypes they contain, and query history will all be stored here.

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Last update:
‎05-07-2021 09:48 AM
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