Dashboard View Count during a specific timeframe

Knowledge Drop

Last tested: Jun 22, 2020

In the Content Usage explore, we have the all-time counts (/admin/content_activity_dashboard). What if we want to know the count during a specific time frame (i.e.: 7 days)

Step 1: Make a look to show the total query count for each dashboard and filter down to 30 days


url-to-your instance/explore/system__activity/history?fields=dashboard.id,user.name,history.query_run_count&f[history.created_date]=7+days&f[dashboard.id]=NOT+NULL&sorts=dashboard.id+desc&limit=500&query_timezone=America%2FLos_Angeles&vis=%7B%7D


Step 2: Make a look to show a dashboard ID and their look-based titles


url-to-your instance/explore/system__activity/dashboard?fields=dashboard_element.count_text,dashboard_element.count_merge_query,dashboard_element.count_lookless,dashboard.id,dashboard_element.count_look,dashboard.link&sorts=dashboard_element.count_text+desc&limit=500&query_timezone=Europe%2FDublin&vis=%7B%7D

Step 3: Merge these two looks and do a table cal: Total run query divided by the number of look-based tiles, we can get the number of times a dashboard is open (because if a dashboard has 3 look-based tiles, the total query run is 3)

In the 404 explore above, the number of queries is 14, so if referring back to the first explore, we will know that I have opened that dashboard two times in the past 7 days (my total query count is 28)

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Version history
Last update:
‎07-07-2021 01:14 PM
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