youtube premium free for gsuite clients

i find it very disturbing that as a gsuite client you still have to pay for youtube premium. 

i think there are a lot of businesses that use youtube professionaly and i find that then to pay a lot extra for this is just very wrong 

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@tgenin0401 what are you trying to do that isn't included in your Google Workspace nee G Suite subscription?  See but realize Youtube is a consumer product.  Your business can produce videos, create and manage channels, etc.


I understand that it is a consumer product. but still. I think a lot of
businesspeople watch a lot of youtube videos and it's so annoying with all
that publicity .
i find that if you pay for google g suite it should be able to look
without. and I know it's not only my concern. A lot of people in business
say this.
Thomas Genin | Optimal-Solutions
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Everything works though, you just don't like the advertisements?  -KAM

Thomas Genin | Optimal-Solutions
Knokstraat 22 | 9880 Poeke
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For me the use case is even more appalling. I have youtube premium in my family plan. I have one invite left. I can invite my work account.

My work account as a G Suite account can not be added to family plan.

Every time I try to watch some development tutorial from my work account, I have to enjoy  through some loud loosely related and sometimes even offensive commercial.

This would definitely be nice if it was included in our plan lol

This is ridiculous. I'm in a meeting and need to show a YouTube video and we all have to wait for an advert. Seems it's time to start looking at owncloud again.

To make things worse, you can't get a family plan if you use a gsuite account. What a load of garbage.

Just to drive the issue a littler deeper. you can't get a family plan with a Gsuite account.