Timeline & tasks in Sheets

Hi all,

I've seen a few posts from 2021 asking about the much-trailed 'Timeline' feature in Sheets, which automatically converts tasks & dates into a very appealing Gantt-style chart.

The organisation I work for is crying out for this kind of function, ideally inbuilt within Workspace.

Has anyone heard anything about a potential launch date?

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Hello @keenanandrew 

There's no lauch date yet.

I recommend you to follow the Google Workspace Blog, you will get the information earlier there:


Hope it helps.

Thanks @Jan-Carlos, I've been keeping an eye on the Workspace blog.

However it would be great to have an idea of whether the Timeline feature is still something that Google is working on - it was trailed as 'coming soon' over a year ago and there's been quite a few people on here and on social media asking for updates.

Any idea who to ask?

You can apply for access to the NDAed product roadmaps. See https://www.googlecloudcommunity.com/gc/custom/page/page-id/Workspace-Roadmap-FAQ for how to apply for access. I know that you can nominate yourself, but I'm not entirely sure what criteria Google uses for granting access  (@Willie_Turney maybe "who will be approved for access to the roadmaps?" could be added to that FAQ?)