Signature on gmail mobile app same as desktop

When could we expect having the same signature on Gmail app as desktop.


32 23 13.2K

Wow...This is also a question to ask. @OlivierW, thanks for opening this topic.

HTML email signature works perfectly for webmail. But when the customer goes to use the mobile version of Gmail, the problem happens. The app Gmail on Android does not support an email signature in HTML. I can write this with confidence because I work at Bybrand - a cloud email signature management solution for Google Workspace.

Currently, we are directing the customers to install another mobile email client app (for example, Spark Mail). But that's not good; the customer wants to stay with Gmail.

All the best.


If you have Advanced Protection enabled, Spark Mail will not be added. You have to make exceptions for him then, but is it a good idea 🤔

Yes this is ridiculous.  On iphone you have the option to disable mobile signature.  When doing that it will use the html signature set on the desktop.  The fact that this works on iPhone gmail app and not on android is pathetic.  

@jkaulback , I agree; this is pathetic. Why is Google not listening to their customers?

I would like this and the out of office responder to be more consistent across web and mobile.

This has been a common complaint from many of our customers. We have an email signature solutions Patronum we have asked for Google to provide an API or to provide the same functionality on Andriod as that of iOS to append the HTML email signature from Gmail when sending an email. 


Still nothing in this case? Why? 

You might want to post this to the Feature Ideas section here. See, and for how to get access. This will allow it to be upvoted by others and possibly considered as a future feature enhancement.

If you are submitting a feature idea, be sure to explain the problem that you're trying to solve with the feature idea, not just the idea itself. For example, saying "when my users are trying to do 'A', they often get confused by the fact that the buttons to do 'X' and to do 'Y' look quite similar to each other, which leads to this unintended consequence" is far more likely to get fixed than a feature idea that just says "change the color of the button 'Y'".



Hi, if you don't set a signature in the settings of the mobile app, it will send with the desktop signature (you won't see while writing but the recipient will, you can test and send an email to yourself).

P.S. make sure to enable a signature by default in desktop for new emails and/or response/forward (just under signature section).

Uptade: Apparently works only on iPhone as Paul said in a comment below, sorry for Android users!

Have a nice day!

That's only true on iPhone, Android doesn't support that feature, which is a shame.

Yes it's a shame especially in context of non-free service... 

Hey there... This is how I remembered it working, however in testing this today, it no longer works. Curious if this is still working for you. Thanks

Edit: I see now that it actually needs to be turned off in mobile...not just blank. Thanks

I'm awaiting for longe for this moment. I remember in 2016 I had the same signature but after the new release update it doesn't work 

It is so strange that on Android this feature is not implemented, I hope Gmail team will support it as soon as possible

Still waiting for iOS mobile. You can include a specific, text only one line signature on mobile, but I would like to be able to use the signature created on the desktop website settings when sending from mobile. Especially for paid workspace domains.

Been here about year ago, and no change in this matter? why google oh why? 

This is so frustrating for non office based work. Google really needs to work this one out.

Yeah! It looks like G really don't care about it. And the worst is, there is no reason for it... 

Yes, it's surprising to me that in 2023 this has not been solved. Very frustrating

I have been browsing through many forums for the solution. I have tried these with no luck:

1. Copy the signature from Desktop to a Word (doc) file and pasted it in Gmail Mobile Application - Does Not Work (Formatting Issue)

2. Copying HTML & Pasting it also not working.

I am facing the same issue with Outlook also. No Signature!!!

We are in 2023! Shame on them!

In the gmail application for iOS, if I did not set to add a signature, the signature from the site was used. After the last update of the application, he stopped adding graphics with a caption from the site.

I think the person forgot to do the rest of their job and got fired.

Google, please hear us out 🥴

Useless billionaire company we pay each month. Been putting up with this for almost 10 years now. Ridiculous! In this world with all its AI and tech we can’t even use the same sig on mobile and desktop.