Personal avatar is overwritten by BIMI or Not

Hello everyone. We are about to activate BIMI on our tenant domain, but we want to ensure that it does not replace the avatars of our internal users. The goal is to have BIMI activated only for senders who use the selector on external email while leaving the personal avatar on our domain (tenant) alone. Is that something that can be done?

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@juandrada when you enable BIMI, it will replace the avatars

the order is BIMI Logo > Personal Avatar > Default Avatar...

In Gmail, you will see the BIMI logo in the avatar spot but the profile image in the pop-over contact card.

They are going to update the BIMI FAQ with this information.


@KAM is correct (although I wish this weren't the case... BIMI overwriting user account photos, that is.)

+1 for changing order inside G

Personal Avatar > Default BIMI > Default Avatar

I wish the order will be the opposite...

BIMI is a standard way to show default pictures to people outside your domain, especially if they are not using Google Mail, since Google avatars work only in Google Client. But if you are using a Google client and the sender has his own avatar picture already, it will be nice to see it by default.

As an example: for intra-company communication, it is nice to see individual images of people and not be overwhelmed by the same image everywhere, same time for server-side emails from let's say noreply@ emails will be good to provide a standard icon via BIMI, same as for customers who are not drawing by emails from our domains - it is a nice option too.

So, it will be nice to have a way to adjust the order to: Personal Avatar > Default BIMI > Default Avatar

Is there a way to change the order? We want to use the following order:

Personal Avatar > Default BIMI > Default Avatar

I agree,  this should be selectable:
Personal Avatar > Default BIMI > Default Avatar

Has there been any progress in this matter? It's quite crucial and is preventing me and my clients from implementing BIMI.

There won't be any progress, I think. If you enable BIMI, it overrides your avatar with an "official" one, that's the whole point of it. 

Maybe, now that they have introduced an additional Twitter-like blue checkmark next to the logo, they will allow different configurations in the future. 

Hi @juandrada, is there any progress in this matter?

does it possible change the order as below?
Personal Avatar > Default BIMI > Default Avatar

Thank you

As far as I know Google hasn't made any change. My company decided to create a subdomain for BIMI instead of using the main domain. 

We definitely need a way to override this for internal emails only. We rolled out BIMI and immediately needed to roll back.

This issue should not be listed as Solved.

Totally agree. This causes a lot of confusion and simply repels off using BIMI.

Also agree

+ 1. Rolled out BIMI today and noticed the same issue. This change should be added ASAP.

+1, we rolled out BIMI and the internal users are not happy in not seeing personal avatars of users. Can this change be rolled out soon.

Don't know if its any consolation to you folks but you can still hover over the email address to display the contact card for the user or else open the contacts side panel in Gmail. Both of which will use Google Contacts to display the user information and profile image that is accessible to the user either through what you have saved, what is shared by the contact publicly or what is shared via the company directory.

At least a bit of a workaround for you...