Google Sheets Notification


Is there a way to set up google sheets notification so that it will notify a certain person within a shared workbook when a specific column is edited?

Specifically, I own a workbook shared between me and another person. Is there a way to set up notifications so that the other person will be notified and changes are made to cells in column D?

Many thanks!!!

0 1 1,846

@Cuongdinh - This functionality is not available out of the box, but you can leverage google apps script with a trigger, and it should do the job.

// Create a trigger to trigger email notification everytime when the monitored column is edited.
function setupTrigger() {

// monitor the column for editing, and send email when edited.

function columnDEdit(e) {
  const monitoredColumn = 4; // Column D, change this as required
  const notifyEmail = ''; // change this as required

  if (e.range.columnStart === monitoredColumn) {
    const sheetName = e.source.getSheetName();
    const cellValue = e.value;
    const rowNumber = e.range.rowStart;

    const subject = `Google Sheets: Column D updated in ${sheetName}`;
    const body = `A change has been made in column D (row ${rowNumber}) of the sheet '${sheetName}'. The new value is: ${cellValue}`;

    MailApp.sendEmail(notifyEmail, subject, body);