Bug? Google Calendar update notification emails

We're experiencing a problem where Google is sending Calendar update notifications to all guests rather than just new ones (see image below). We can replicate this issue flawlessly between accounts and different event types. As you will see from the screenshot the wording from Google is that it should not be sending an email update to every single existing guest.

We've tried a variety of accepting/denying invitations, preventing them from automatically being added to Calendar from Gmail, etc, etc. It's resulting in a lot of 'spam' emails for some very large events.

I have also whipped up a quick demo video.

Thank you

Screenshot 1.PNG

Solved Solved
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I've always wondered about that myself.

I agree with @phil_bainbridge that it should only send the invite to the newly added guests. That said however, I can see why it would send an "Event Updated" email since the event has been updated by adding a new attendee and there may be cases where you'd want everyone to know that.

A few thoughts:

  1. Much like when you send invitations to members outside your org, add a second prompt if the user clicks 'Send' to the "Would you like to send invitation emails to new Google Calendar guests?" that says "Would you also like to send an UPDATED invitation email to EXISTING guests?", OR
  2. Modify the existing "Would you like to send invitation emails to new Google Calendar guests?" prompt by adding another option with a check box to allow the user to choose to send updated invitations to existing guests similar to the mock up below, ANDGCal prompt to send new guest invitations.png
  3. In the Updated invitations where it says "This event has been updated" in the green banner, it should say WHAT was updated (i.e.: new guest added). It already does this if you change the date or time (see below). Below the "This event has been updated" green banner it tells you what changed and then shows both the old and new values. If a new guest is added, it could say "Changed: New guest(s) added" and then highlight the newly added guests in the Guests section below. 




We know of someone having the same issue. 

Do you have calendar integration with Zapier by chance?  Trying to see if there are commonalities since this does not appear widespread.


Zero Calendar integrations or Add-ons. This is about as basic as can be directly within Google Calendar from what I can tell.

It looks like there was indeed a bug affecting Apps Script and the UI.