Future of Google Currents and Migration to Spaces - 8AM EDT / 1PM BST / 5:30PM IST

Published on ‎08-26-2022 12:22 PM by Community Manager | Updated on ‎08-31-2022 02:27 PM

Last year, we introduced Spaces, a dedicated place for organizing people, topics, and projects in Google Workspace. Since launching Spaces, many customers have told us that they appreciate the tight integration with Google Workspace products, including Gmail, Calendar, Drive, and Meet, and the seamless collaboration experience.

With Spaces now available, starting in 2023 we are planning to wind down Google Currents and bring remaining content and communities over to the new Spaces experience.

Join us on September 14th at 1PM BST to learn more about the Currents migration to Spaces. Kriti Jindal, our Currents PM, will lead the session and walk you through what to expect as part of the migration.

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This time doesn't work for you? Sign up for our session at 4PM PDT / 9AM AEST here.

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Wed, Sep 14, 2022 05:00 AM PDT
Wed, Sep 14, 2022 05:30 AM PDT

Well, if the Currents community has more than 8k active users, then they can't, since a Space can't have more than 8k members.

Also the last sentence of this paragraph must be missing a "not".

"Large communities
Spaces has a limit on how many users can access a single space. All posts in these communities will be migrated, but only active members of the community will be migrated to the space. Active members are users who have created posts or engaged with posts since July 2020. Other users will be considered Inactive, and will be invited to the migrated space."

Or, are you saying that you are going to increase the max number of members in a Space? 

I think I missed that part the first time.  We use Currents for 'sensitive' groups in which the feed is more like news, with the vast majority of our members just watching and not commenting (especially true on our LGBTQ+ group, where people don't want to out themselves etc).  A group like that would go from around 200 members to around 20 overnight if it only migrates people that have posted in a time period.

With no decent means of exporting out the member base (export gets you the names, not the email address) it's about to devastate our community areas as the entire thing is run via Currents, and we have very little time to find a replacement. 

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

We currently use Currents for all of our Staff networks (few 100 members per group) as it allows us to be social within a closed group, and it integrates with Google Sites which we use for each of those groups community 'Website'.  It seems that what we use it for (and how) is what has been considered 'low usage' so won't be included or the functionality will be low. 

I've also found that the Takeout's export only gives the name of users and doesn't include their email address, so imports in if we have to use another platform may be difficult.  Will spaces integrate into Google Sites the same way as Currents does, so users in the domain can see the content on a Gsite but if they are not a member of the community it won't be visible to them?