REF column type on UserSettings()

I wanted to add this little trick since I didn’t find anything about it Search results for 'ref column on usersetting #tips' - AppSheet Creator Community

Dereference expressions from columns on UserSettings

We all know at this point (if you don’t, please read) that we can reference data from another table thanks to Ref or Enum base Ref using a simple expression like this:


Now, maybe you want to dereference using a column from User Settings and you have tried something like this:

UserSettings(RefColumnToTableA).[AnyColumnOnTableA] /*This won't work*/

The right way to do it is by using [_THISUSER].[RefColumnToTableA] instead of UserSettings(RefColumnToTableA)

This way, we can dereference values with a chained dereference expression


Hope this helps if you didn’t know!

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