Looker Onboarding Webinar-Deck

Thanks for attending the Looker Onboarding Webinar, it was great to have you! 


Here is the deck as a follow up. You can reference the topics we covered, ways to get support, and get started with Looker on the right foot. 


Look forward to working with you all in the Community going forward, and feel free to ask any follow ups on the thread here. 

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Hi Nick do you know when is Looker certification coming back?

Hey hey! May I know how can we make multiple pages dashboard? 

Nick, do you know how to schedule a Looker training to show how to pull reporting and what it can include?

Thank you for the Webinar. I have been trying to use react with @looker/components without luck. Nothing online works. No examples on looker website or in any github repo. It seems react can be used only to create an extension and deploy it to looker.com

Do you have a working example that I can just npm i, npm start and works?

Thank you

I am an admin but I don’t see chat support at all

New Member

Also, I shared this link as there was a question about creating tabs - which we do via iframe within our SSO controlled application:


There is a button in the bottom right to view the code.