app engine standard python3 interactive console (like the python27)

Legacy app engine python 2.7 supports an application at `google.appengine.ext.admin.application` that can be used in the config file with a route to create a mini app that among other things has a console textbox. This is super useful for quick experimentation and quickly running snippets of code without uploading a new version of the code. This is documented here for the development server but works on the cloud server as well.

Does anybody knows whether this functionality migrated to the python 3 standard environment?


appengine console.png

0 2 227

If you run the command --help, one of the options it displays is

--enable_console [ENABLE_CONSOLE]
                 Enable interactive console in admin view. (default:False)

So you should run your app with --enable_console=True and see if it starts the interactive console


..... NoCommandLine ......
A GUI for Google App Engine
    & Datastore Emulator

I am primarily interested in having this functionality in the cloud deployment where dev_appserver is not involved.