Why Custom Domains service not Available on Dammam region (me-central2)

We are about to go to production but we faced wired issue that custom domains aren't supported yet in GCP Dammam (me-central2)
Screenshot 2024-04-28 101437.png

Is there a way to use them or alternative 

and when they will be supported 

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Hello @SalemAlwasaet,

Welcome to the Google Cloud Community!

Cloud Run domain mapping is still being tested and is not ready for widespread use due to latency issues. It's not suitable for production services yet, and there's no set timeline for when custom domain support will be available. You can keep up to date by checking the Cloud Run documentation for any new updates.

As an alternative, you might consider using Cloud DNS with a Load Balancer. This setup involves directing a Cloud Load Balancing service to your Cloud Run service, which you can learn more about here.

thanks for reply juliadeanne,
understood, I tried to follow the solution that you suggest but I faced second issue which is managed-certificate not supported



You can check out this documentation on how to use self-managed SSL certificates in Cloud Load Balancing.

I'm facing issue right now, I cannot select cloud runs as back-end for load balance