Serverless VPC Connector Setup - Error/Bug?

i am trying to setup serverless VPC connector, but when I go to

there is this warning:

"Missing data from regions me-central2 (not supported yet)"

and I cant setup any VPC connectors, doesn't matter what region. I am trying to use us-central1.

Bard tells me there is a bug in the API and it wont be fixed for weeks. Is this correct?

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Based on the error message you have shared, it was mentioned that the region you used is not yet supported.

However, regarding creating a VPC connector with other supported regions, I don't think there is an issue or bug since I can create a VPC connector with different regions. Please see the screenshot below.

Also, there is no bug or issue shown in Google Cloud Status[1] regarding this matter.
Screenshot 2023-11-01 4.17.02 AM.png


in the logs this is the error:

"protoPayload": {
"@type": "",
"status": {
"code": 9,
"message": "Operation failed: Insufficient CPU quota in region."
"authenticationInfo": {
"principalEmail": "admin@*****.app"
"requestMetadata": {
"requestAttributes": {},
"destinationAttributes": {}
"serviceName": "",
"methodName": "",
"resourceName": "projects/****app/locations/australia-southeast1/connectors/****app"
"insertId": "-jf04eic3jq",
"resource": {
"type": "audited_resource",
"labels": {
"method": "",
"service": "",
"project_id": "****app"
"timestamp": "2023-10-31T00:04:11.797965Z",
"severity": "ERROR",
"logName": "projects/****app/logs/",
"operation": {
"id": "projects/****app/locations/australia-southeast1/operations/18f76512-032a-456c-a462-d4a62cbffa09",
"producer": "",
"last": true
"receiveTimestamp": "2023-10-31T00:04:12.215597646Z"


but i checked all the quotas and there is none which are anywhere near reaching the limit. the most is 13% usage.

i currently have 0 VPC connectors setup, non on australia-southeast1 from what i can see.