How to stream an Application

Hi together,

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, if not then let me know..

I want to "install" an application, an windows desktop application on GCP, and want to be able to use it like "streaming" it from GCP..

something like "AppStream" from AWS...

if it's possible then also in the Browser... any idea how to achieve that?



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Hi, have you tried creating a Windows image VM through GCP Compute Engine? You could then install your application through Cloud Shell. You can use the Qwiklabs in Google Cloud Skills Boost to learn how to do this. Search for the "creating virtual machines and working with virtual machines labs

Hi Tunnyville,

thanks for your answer.

Yes I've already an Windows VM and the Application installed and running in the VM itself.

But what I need, is the possibility to send to the User an File or an Link, so that the User is able to  use the File or the Link, and the Application should be then automatically be loaded, without the need to open an RDP connection to the VM and then start the Application..

I hope it's a litte bit more clear what I mean?