Need help: Bridged Adapter doesn't work on Community OVA in VirtualBox

Hey community, I am new to siemplify, I just installed Community OVA in VirtualBox, chose Bridged Adapter, en0: Wi-fi. 

But when ssh to the vm to ip addresses show, I don't see an IP address from enp0s3 interface, as explained in step 14 as below 

My VirtualBox is running on a MacBook Pro host, using wifi. 

Any suggestions?

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Hi @Gary Tan we found that there was a change in Virtual Box that causes this issue. We will be releasing a new OVA with the relevant fix and an update in our documentation asap. We will let you know once it’s available.

Hi @Gary Tan, we have updated the OVA with the relevant fix under the latest version column in the Community website download page. We have also updated the OVA deployment documentation so you can now download the latest version and follow the guide. Please let us know if you have any questions.