Localization settings don't work as expected

When I click the my user icon (I'm an admin) in the upper-right, there is a "localization" option that allows the timezone and time/date format to be customized. The timezone setting doesn't appear to have any affect on the date/times displayed. I've tried multiple times, refreshed, etc. with no result. Whatever setting I choose does persist in the UI. It's not like I'm choosing a timezone, and it gets reset, but the date/times don't reflect my choice.

If I go to SOAR Settings --> Advanced ---> Localization and change the timezone, the effects are immediate and my user Localization settings are reset. This is expected and the UI explains this well. 

This is where it gets a bit weird. After changing the timezone in the Advanced settings, if I return to my user settings, the instant I click the Localization option (NOT clicking the dropdown to change the timezone), the timezone is reset to UTC (no refresh needed). Then I'm back to square 1. Whatever I select has no effect, and I'm stuck with UTC.

Anyone have a similar experience or thoughts on what could be happening? 

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I just tested this and was not able to reproduce. Have you tried using a different browser, clear cookies etc?

You can also open up devtools and see what API call it does when you open up your profile localization. When I test this it should only call api/external/v1/settings/GetTimeZone


I haven't checked the API, but I have tested in different browsers, cleared cookies, etc. Based on your results, it seems to be something on my side. I'll do more testing and report back if anything interesting comes up. Thank you.