JSON Parser

We are currently trying to get our feet wet in managing our own parsers in Chronicle. We have started with Virtru Email Encryption logs which are ingested as JSON. I have been through the documentation quite a bit now but feel that a little bit of help would go a long way. I found another post stating that we need to import as a single line, which I believe we can do. Here are the JSON fields we are trying to target in the log in BOLD:

  "id": "fa894a4a-9471-4cd1-a6d8-9ad9f26c6593",
  "object": {
    "type": "data_object",
    "id": "7ef24565-b549-4fab-8bef-7ea0402a5243",
    "name": "EHLERS.pdf",
    "attributes": {
      "attrs": [
          "key": "virtru:data:policy:type",
          "value": "file"
          "key": "virtru:data:creator",
          "value": "cdward@example.org"
          "key": "virtru:data:owner",
          "value": "cdward@example.org"
      "dissem": [
"actor": {
    "id": "gwen@example.org",
    "attributes": {
      "attributes": [
  "clientInfo": {
    "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
    "platform": "browser_extension_chrome:12.0.2",
    "requestIp": ""
  "eventMetaData": {
    "auditDataType": "FILE.ACCESS_SUCCEEDED",
    "auditRecordId": "bc133671-e9a6-4313-8482-e2a5fe007fef",
    "auditRecordType": "contract-get",
    "errorDetails": null
  "timestamp": "2024-02-14T22:12:18.321Z"

I have bolded all of the fields we want to map into UDM as our test parser build. We can add more later but this would be a great start.

This is how we believe the fields line up but again, we are new to this. If you have suggestions on UDM field changes, please let me know:

name > about.email

virtru:data:policy:type > event.idm.read_only_udm.metadata.description

virtru:data:owner > src.email

dissem > target.email (this is the email recipient)

actor:id > principal.user.user_display_name

requestIp > principal.ip

auditDateType: > security_result.action_details

timestamp > event_timestamp

Here are the fields to create in Chronicle:

event.idm.read_only_udm.metadata.vendor_name = Virtru

event.idm.read_only_udm.metadata.product_name = virtru encryption

event.idm.read_only_udm.metadata.event_type = Generic_Event

Thank you for your help.


Here is my first crack at the parser:

filter {
    json {
        source => "message"
        array_function => "split_columns"

    #TODO(add error handling in case of JSON extraction failure)
    mutate {
     replace => {
       "event1.idm.read_only_udm.metadata.event_type" => "GENERIC_EVENT"
  #TODO(evalute a more specific UDM event type)
    mutate {
     replace => {
       "event.idm.read_only_udm.metadata.vendor_name" => "Virtru"

    mutate {
     replace => {
       "event.idm.read_only_udm.metadata.product_name" => "virtru encryption"
    mutate {
     replace => {
       "about.email.key" => "object_name"
       "about.email.value.string_value => "%{object.name}"

    mutate {
     replace => {
       "event.idm.read_only_udm.metadata.description.key" => "object_attributes_attrs.0_key"
       "event.idm.read_only_udm.metadata.description.value.string_value => "%{object.object_attributes_attrs.1_value}"

    mutate {
     replace => {
        "src.email.key" => "object_attributes_attrs.2_key"
        "src.email.value.string_value => "%{object_attributes_attrs.2_value}"

    mutate {
     replace => {
        "target.email.key" => "object_attributes_dissem"
        "srctarget.email.value.string_value => "%{object_attributes_dissem.[0]}"


    mutate {
     replace => {
        "principal.user.user_display_name.key" => "actor_id"
        "principal.user.user_display_name.value.string_value => "%{actor.id[0]}"


    mutate {
     replace => {
        "principal.ip.key" => "clientInfo_requestIp"
        "principal.ip.value.string_value => "%{clientInfo_requestIp[0]}"


    mutate {
     replace => {
        "security_result.action_details.key" => "eventMetaData_auditDataType"
        "security_result.action_details.value.string_value => "%{eventMetaData_auditDataType[0]}"


    mutate {
     replace => {
        "event_timestamp.key" => "timestamp"
        "event_timestamp.value.string_value => "%{timestamp[0]}"


    mutate {
    merge => {
      "@output" => "event1"




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Try looking closer at these examples of the UDM model. A lot of your Field Names are out of place. The email values for one aren't going to work like that. 
