How to identify each device that sends logs to a single forwarder collector?

I have multiple firewalls (same log type) sending logs to a single collector and I need to identify them by their IP addresses. Is there a way to do this neither having to create and label hundreds of collectors nor requiring manual maintenance (e.g., using rsyslog would require editing it's config file every time a new log source is added)?

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If your firewall allows for it, often they'll send something like a hostname or IP in the raw log. If you just parse that to an observer field it sounds like it would save you a lot of labeling effort.

Mostly parsed logs will have ip details under UDM observer/intermediary/principal.hostname.

If your requirement is to have name identifier tagged to each event as well , e.g. ASA_DMZ. Then you can achieve it through custom parsing. Please note that Chronicle doesn't support translate filter plugin.