Chronicle Ingestion Script errors

Recently we've been having trouble getting several Chronicle Ingestion scripts working (found here and have been having to build custom workarounds that output to GCS buckets instead, however this is undesirable.

When trying to debug these ingestion scripts, we have been getting errors that are not detailed or actionable, like the following errors attached. Has anyone in the SecOps commnuity been able to successfully debug errors found like this in an ingestion script? We're getting a 400 error with extremely little context. Since we are using the scripts provided to us by Chronicle,  we are unsure where the invalid argument is originating from.

Can anyone from the community provide context or assistance?


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Are you able to share what the data looks like for a dummy log right before it is submitted?

In the back of my mind i'm thinking this might have something to do with json parsing, could that be an avenue to explore?

 so since we were implementing it for a client, we don't have good data to use, but it was a standard json format that matches the type chronicle was looking for