"What's New in Looker" Q1 Webinar - Q&A

As promised, here is the wrap-up of all the questions that we didn’t have time to get to live (or had to research the answers to) during the Q1 2021 “What’s New in Looker?” webinar last week!

Weren’t able to make it to the webinar? No problem!  Here’s the AMER recording | Here’s the EMEA recording

Explore Improvements and Quick Start

  • Can the Quick Start functionality be leveraged in embedded environments?

Quick Start can definitely be used by embedded customers! Someone will need to define the queries in the model/Explore, so that is something to take into account if you require more granular permissioning of fields for your embed use case.

  • Can we save specific visualization settings to be associated with Quick Start? 

This isn't possible today, but something we're evaluating as we consider improvements to Quick Start. Currently, we are using Looker's default visualization selection based on the fields in the query.

  • Does it slow anything? Any impact on performance?

We don't have any known performance issues with Quick Start. The Quick Start options are really just a shortcut that will auto-run the query, consistent with selecting the same fields and filters from the field picker and clicking "Run".

  • Can you create quick start containers, e.g. Orders Quickstarts, Items Quickstarts etc?

This isn't possible today, but something we're evaluating as we consider improvements to Quick Start. One thing to note is that we currently limit the number of Quick Start options on the main page (a goal is simplicity for the user) but in the modal launched from the lightning icon, the user can see the full list of Quick Start options.

  • I love the quick start.. Any known caveats?

We do too ?  It's important to note that Quick Start won't show up until someone adds a query to the model under the specific Explore. Once added, Quick Start will show up for all users of the Explore - we don't provide more granular permissioning at this time.

  • How do I enable the ability to switch granularity in the 'in use' group?

This feature is available in versions 21.0+ for dates defined through a dimension_group. If those conditions are met and you're still not seeing the option, let us know!

  • Is there a plan to measure or "go to LookML" within the search results for a field?

This isn't available today, but something we're evaluating as we think about more seamless integration between the new search component and the full field list/actions.

  • Wasn't there already a search for fields?

Yes! The new field picker includes a combination of capabilities available today, upgraded functionality, and new enhancements.

  • I don't see Explore Quick Starts in Labs in version 7.20.29

Quick Start will only show up once someone from your company adds a query to the specific Explore (in the model). Then, Quick Start options will be visible for all users of that Explore. More information about adding modeled Explore queries is available here: https://docs.looker.com/reference/explore-params/query 

Metadata Sidebar

  • Is the metadata using the same schema of the connection model? or is using an external data store source?

Actually it’s neither. It's showing metadata purely about the LookML model, not from the source database.

  • Do you plan on the meta function to show which view dimension/measures are defined when views have been extended.

No, but the Object Browser already does this! ?


Components & Components Sticker Sheet

  • What are components used for?

Components are the technical implementation of the Looker Design System, built with React, Typescript and Styled Components! They allow users to rapidly and easily build custom applications that match the look and feel of Looker! Check out our Components page for more info. 

  • Is the sticker sheet going to be available in Adobe XD or Sketch eventually?

Currently we have no plans to release the sticker sheet in Adobe XD or Sketch. If this is something you’d like to see, follow up in the thread as we’d love to keep track of who would be interested in this!



  • Are Multi-tab dashboards on the Roadmap?

Tabbed dashboards is currently something we are not able to provide a definite roadmap for at the moment. That being said, via the Extension Framework a developer could curate a "tabbed_dashboard" experience.

To point it out, that with html in a text tile on a dashboard we could hyperlink buttons, or other html UI to link out to separate dashboards as well.

  • Will Looker have Google Maps integration in the near future?

This is something we've been evaluating with the Google Maps teams and want to do, but dependent on resourcing availability for 2021

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Thank You, mpollacci !

What's the roadmap/plan for looks? I see a bunch of features being dumped into the explore and dashboard experience but where's the love for looks? Extremely valuable part of looker.

Also, what's the future for SQL runner?