Introducing a new Looker Community Manager

Hey Good Lookers,

It’s been an absolutely delightful run serving as your community manager. Over the past few years, I’ve had the great privilege of meeting many of you in person, and even more of you virtually— I feel so lucky. I can’t think of a better way to keep abreast of the latest Looker functionality and news than to embed into the Community (the exact same benefit y’all get from being here).

So it’s with somewhat heavy heart that I formally announce a changing of the guard. For a few months now actually, I’ve been working on our engineering team building out a Developer Relations function for those using our API and other “Powered By Looker” features.

@michael will be taking the reigns of the Looker Community team and bringing awesome new energy and ideas with him. I’ll let him introduce himself in his own words below, but rest assured that I’m really excited about what he’s going to do with the place.

I’ll still be hanging around and making sure to answer all your API and embedding questions, and making sure any bugs and requests get properly triaged and fixed 🙂

:purple_heart: Looker Love,


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? Hello everyone!

I’m one week in and still pinching myself that I get the chance to serve such a capable, curious, and engaged community. I’m incredibly honored and excited! 

Over the past three years working at Looker, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting and working with many of you during Data Explores Guild events, JOIN conferences, webinars, and 1:1 customer success engagements. These conversations and connections are by far my fondest moments at Looker to date.

Now, I am fortunate enough to spend all of my time developing opportunities to deepen our knowledge, impact, and connections with one another.  I already see a ton of opportunities to grow and nurture this thriving community, and each of your contributions greatly inform the evolution.

After all, it’s YOU that makes this whole ‘Looker’ thing work. And it’s YOU who truly can transform the world through the smarter use of data. 

So, post on this thread, DM me, send a carrier pigeon - I’d love to connect with you all.

I’ll soon be posting updates on upcoming events and opportunities to get even more involved - so stay tuned for that!

Onward and upward my friends,


All the best @izzymiller! You have been a superb community leader!

All the best for your next role and welcome @michael!


Thank you @izzymiller for everything you’ve done for Looker Community and the help I received from you personally.

@michael welcome aboard!