Google Workspace Community Roundup: December 2021

Community Manager
Community Manager

Welcome to our monthly Community Roundup series! Check out the latest news and upcoming events.

google-workspace-roundup-december.jpgMeet the Expert: Google Workspace Admin Webinar Series

In December, the Google Workspace Team kicked off a new webinar series designed to educate, inform, and empower administrators to make the most out of Google Workspace. 

The next session is on January 18th, focused on how to understand billing and managing subscriptions for your Google Workspace account.

Save your spot and submit your questions in advance by following this link. And if you missed previous sessions, you can check those out on demand from the same page. 

Save Your Spot

FAQs: Setting up a Google Workspace account with a new domain

If you missed the first session in the Meet the Expert webinar series, no worries! We've documented all the questions and answers that were covered during the session in this blog here. Questions answered include:

  • How do I verify my domain that I purchased through Google Workspace?
  • Why am I being billed twice? 
  • How do I purchase another domain under the same account? 
  • and more... 

Check it out to see all the questions and answers. We'll be following up with these for each Meet the Expert session, so stay tuned. 

Top five contributors in December

We love to see how many of you are eager to participate in the Community's discussions. Letโ€™s take a quick look at who contributed the most by replies authored and topics published in the month of December. Please meet our top five contributors:

  1. StephenHind
  2. icrew
  3. kim_nilsson
  4. Jan-Carlos
  5. KAM

Thank you @StephenHind@icrew@kim_nilsson@Jan-Carlos, and @KAM

Are you ready to become our next top contributor? Learn all about how to contribute to the Community here and keep track of the Top Solutions Authors Leaderboard here.

Top three conversations in December

Here are our most popular discussions in the Google Workspace Community over the past month:

  1. Mac Spotlight not indexing Google Drive files in desktop (Accepted Solution)
  2. Group / Alias emails for teams (Accepted Solution)
  3. How to avoid workspace/gmail emails going into spam folders? (Accepted Solution)

Love to see that these all have Accepted Solutions! 

Looking for more topics and discussions? Visit our Workspace Forums and join the conversation or start something new.

Google Meet in 2021: A year of accelerated innovation

Google Meet played a critical role in keeping us all connected in 2021. With remote and hybrid work becoming the norm for many, the Google Workspace team has launched over 100 features to help support the way you work, learn, and stay connected. 

Check out this blog and the video below for a look back at this year's most requested and impactful Google Meet features. 

Have a new feature you want to see? Learn about how to participate in the Google Workspace Feature Ideas program here

Community feature updates in December

The Community Team continues to work hard to improve our Community based on your valuable feedback. Here are some recent updates to our Community features:

1. We've created a new space in the Community dedicated to the Google Workspace Referral Program. This is where you can ask questions, share tips, and find resources on how to earn rewards for recommending Google Workspace. 


Previously, these conversations took place in the Workspace Discussions forum board with the labels, "Referral Program" and "Affiliate Program." Any existing posts with those labels have been migrated to the new space of the Community so you can still refer to those discussions. 

Check out the new space! And if you're not yet familiar with the Google Workspace Referral Program, learn all about it in this post from the team here

2. We've added a new "Attending Events" feature for Community-hosted events so you can save your spot for an event in one click. With the "Send Invite" button, you can also easily send an invite for your peers or teammates to join as well. Below is a screenshot of a sample event with the new feature:


Please note that this feature will only apply to events hosted by the Google Workspace Community team. For Workspace events that are hosted outside the Community, you will still need to register for each event according to their respective forms or processes as you would normally. 

Check out upcoming Google Workspace events and subscribe to the board to stay up to date!


We hope you enjoy our new feature updates and thank you to all our Community members who continue to make this space an engaging and informative place to be. If you have any feedback, please feel free to add your thoughts to the Community Feedback forum here or add a comment directly to this post. 

Make sure you don't miss out on the latest Community news, activities, or opportunities by subscribing to News & Announcements. To do so, go to the News & Announcements page and click on the blue button that says "Subscribe." You can also learn more about how to manage your subscriptions and notifications in this article here

Thanks everyone. Until next time!

The Google Cloud Community Team 

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Ohh, nice way to end/start the year. Thank you, @Lauren_vdv !

Thank you @kim_nilsson! Happy new year!

The topic "Mac Spotlight not indexing Google Drive files in desktop" is NOT ACCEPTED by anyone in the thread! And it has NOT been solved. Who added this status to the topic? Under what criteria? It has over 13,000 views and the topic is highly active. Obviously it is still a problem, and marking it "Accepted Solution" doesn't make it go away.