Filter last n months

If the current date is April 9, 2024, which days in the past 3 months will it retrieve data?
I dont see documentation about filter 'Last n Months' 
I asked CodeGPT to tell me that:

Certainly. When you use the "last n months" filter, the system will consider the current day and count back the number of months (n) you specify. It includes the current month and goes back to the start of the month n months ago.

For example, if today is April 9, 2024, and you set a filter for "last 3 months", the system will retrieve data starting from the 1st day of January 2024 through the current day of the current month (April 9, 2024).

Please note that "last n months" does not necessarily mean the last n full months. If you need to retrieve data for full months only, you might need to adjust your query accordingly.

The way this filter works is analogous to subtracting n months from the current date and including everything from that point to the present day. The exact implementation can vary based on the specifics of the system you are using.

Thanks everyone

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Hey @Nghiadeptrai !
I'm not sure if you are asking about Looker or Looker Studio.
If you are asking about Looker, here you can find the filter expressions related to dates:

Please come back if you have any questions and share if that's what you are looking for 🙂 !

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