BigQuery tables without Primary Keys

Primary keys are essential for Looker’s symmetric aggregates to work. Sometimes you end up with a table without a primary key.

The folks at BigQuery just announced a new function GENERATE_UUID() that will make one for you. If you have a table without a primary key and you need one, you can simply make a derived table.

For example, Let’s take the names data, it that doesn’t have a primary key.

explore: names2 {}
view: names2 {
  sql_table_name: `fh-bigquery.popular_names.usa_1910_2013` ;;
  dimension: name {}
  dimension: state {}
  dimension: year {}
  dimension: number {type:number}
  measure: total_number {
    type: sum
    sql: ${number} ;;
  measure: count {type:count}

You can add a primary key by making it a derived table. Let’s also assume that the table is clustered by year (its not, but let’s assume it is). The pattern would be to create a derived table, generate a uuid as primary key and add a WHERE condition to make sure we pull the data efficiently.

view: names2 {
  derived_table: {
        GENERATE_UUID() as uuid, *
      FROM `fh-bigquery.popular_names.usa_1910_2013`
        {%condition year %}year{%endcondition%}
  dimension: uuid {primary_key:yes}
  dimension: name {}
  dimension: state {}
  dimension: year {}
  dimension: number {type:number}
  measure: total_number {
    type: sum
    sql: ${number} ;;
  measure: count {type:count}
4 2 3,328

How would that work with a large table which has multiple nested records? Would this trick also work? Would we have to create NDTs for each outer nested tables as well or simply generating uuids in a dimension suffice?

Hi @eliott

If you’re trying to assign a primary key to nested records (starting from a table which has its own primary key), what you usually want is UNNEST WITH OFFSET and then you concatenate the original primary key and the array offset.

Another pattern that can be helpful when joining multiple one_to_many joins (including unnested arrays) is join paths

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