Schedule Trigger - How to restart or cancel OnHold executions


We have set up an integration using the Schedule Trigger (Not the Cloud Schedule Trigger).

A few days ago we had a role issue that made the integration crash. The issue was that the Integration service account didn't have access to the encryption key. The execution appears in the log as failed, which makes sense.

Starting this point, all integration execution appear with a OnHold status.


In the meantime we put the role back in place but the executions continues to be put On hold.

How can I Cancel / restart the execution? Nothing is listed in the Cloud Scheduler interface (as it is not a Cloud Schedule trigger). 

If I run the integration manually, it works now, but the scheduled execution seems to remain stucked.

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Ok, the execution of the Integration now works (I was just a little too impatient). But I still see a lot of "OnHold" past planned executions. Is there a way to cancel these executions or is there nothing to do?

You can try to unpublish the current integration. It will cancel all the ONHOLD execution. Then you can publish again.