For Each Loop UI Issue - Iteration element sub-integration mapping can't be set


I'm working on an integration and I want to use a For each Loop and Data Mapping in order to call my Shopify connector to fetch all orders pages. However the task For Each Loop needs the variable "Iteration element sub-integration mapping" but I can't set it in the UI. 

Capture d’écran 2024-01-12 à 15.46.06.png

 When I click on the drop down menu nothing appears. 

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Hi @xavier-cabaia,

Welcome to Google Cloud Community!

  • Steps to resolve:
    1. Verify prerequisites: Confirm sub-integration exists, data types match, and conflicting mappings don't occur.
    2. Refresh & clear cache: Clear browser/integration cache for fresh data.
    3. Isolate the issue: Create a test integration to pinpoint the cause.
    4. Seek further guidance: Refer to documentation or contact support.
  • Additional information needed: Platform and version, screenshots/recordings to aid diagnosis.