Cost-effective solution to connect Cloud Scheduler to internal Cloud Load Balancer?

Hi GCP Community,

I am trying to set up an every-one-minute cron job using Cloud Scheduler to call an internal load balancer IP. However, I am unable to connect to the load balancer private IP from Cloud Scheduler. Is there a cost-effective solution to this problem?

I have tried the following:

Creating a Cloud Scheduler job with the following target:

  • type: http
  • url: http://[internal load balancer IP]
  • Setting the cron schedule to */1 * * * *

Verifying that the Cloud Scheduler job has the necessary permissions to access the internal load balancer

However, when I try to run the Cloud Scheduler job, it fails with the following error:

Failed to connect to the load balancer private IP: Connection refused

Is there a cost-effective solution to this problem?

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It seems that you also posted this concern from StackOverflow[1] wherein the answers provided are already accepted.

Just to summarize there are two ways to achieve this concern. One is through serverless VPC access by creating a connector[2] while the other one is through Direct VPC egress with a VPC network by creating a job[3].
