Cloud tasks not executing tasks 11/11 and 11/12

We have a Cloud Task Queue that runs tasks every day around the same time. We have had it running for over a month without any issues. This past weekend on 11/11 and 11/12 for some reason the tasks where not triggered. The logs show that the tasks were created via the NodeJS SDK but they didn't trigger the http endpoint like they should. Without any changes, it worked again today as expected. 

Does anyone know of an outage or any issues that happened at Google to cause this behavior? And if not, is there something else I could be checking? 

Thanks a lot!  

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Hi @henrique-terazo,

Welcome to Google Cloud Community!

Sometimes there are instances where there were bug fixes, updates or features being tested to a service, and sometimes it disrupts some of its functions. 

Since you mentioned that this only happened between November 11-12, 2023, there's a possibility that there were features being tested backend.

In case that your issue is not listed in Google Cloud status, you may file a bug through the Google Cloud issue tracker so that our engineers could take a look at it. We don't have a specific ETA for this but you can keep track of its progress once the ticket has been created.

Hope this helps.

Hi @robertcarlos , 


Thanks for the reply. The issue happened again yesterday (11/26). Any insight on your end on why Cloud Tasks would be created but not executed? 


Hi @henrique-terazo,

We don't have direct insights from the products/engineering team as we only based the issues we encountered on Google Cloud status. That's why I requested to file a bug through the Google Cloud issue tracker so that our engineers could take a look at it.

Hope I could address your concern.

Ok sounds good. I created an issue there. Thanks!