Can we send SALESFORCE user events to GCP


Can we send user activity events(These events are the user activity like login, ip addresses, clicks on objects, which lightning pages etc)   from salesforce to GCP ?

FYI - i have seen the documentation regarding salesforce sending SALESFORCE RELATED DATA via CDC /platform events, but haven't got any document relevant to USER ACTIVITY





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User, UserFeed,LoginIP are some of the entities available in Salesforce related to user. CDC on these entities related to users can be captured

can the below be captured using CDC 



It looks like these User actions are recorded as Events in Salesforce, and the Event Monitoring is sold as an add on to SalesForce via Shield : 

Once these are logged as Events, you could use the Platform Events feature in our Salesforce Trigger to receive the events from Salesforce in real time, or you could query the Events Entity using the Salesforce Connector with the LIST operation using a polling pattern (ie: schedule trigger) depending on your use case.

Can you try checking if the connection is in active state? Also try "Refresh Connection Schema" in the connection details page.


I'm able to connect and establish a connection, now when i use schedule trigger to test the integration i'm getting the below error: 


Any reason why this error is populating and how to get rid of it? 



Kindly log a support request so that we can look into this error. If support is not available, kindly drop me a private message with details on project ID and integration name

Thanks, Can you please help assist where can i find the support? Is it in the help?

Please find below link for support to log issues

Hi @srisalesforce ,

We have identified the issue and are working on a fix, will keep you posted.