How to ping between nested vm running on two different machine?


I have two vm(say vm1 and vm2), that are running vm inside them using nested virtualization (say vvm1 inside vm1 and vvm2 inside vm2). How can i ping vvm1 from vvm2 and vise versa? Currently vvm1 can ping vm1 and vm2 but not vvm2 and similarly vvm2 can ping vm1 and vm2. 

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Hi @ujjwalpawar,

Welcome to the Google Cloud Community!

Just to clarify: You're working with two VMs, named VM1 and VM2. Inside VM1, there's a nested VM referred to as VVM1, and inside VM2, there's another nested VM named VVM2.

Currently, the setup allows:

  • VVM1 can communicate with both VM1 and VM2
  • VVM2 can also communicate with both VM1 and VM2
  • Direct communication between VVM1 and VVM2 is not established.

You can try following a similar setup provided in the documentation - Creating an L2 VM with network access from outside the L1 VM.

Let me know if you have more questions. Thank you.

