Connect my on-premise network to Google Cloud through HA VPN

Hey guys! I have been discovering ways to connect company network to GCP by using HA VPN, the expected traffic would not be massive, therefore direct interconnect does not suit that case, in terms of capabilities and price. I have stopped with Cloud VPN HA VPN  or Partner Interconnect HA VPN, they both looks similar in terms of proposes benefits and the price range seems to be similar. However, I’m really lost what to choose between them. The main differences in terms of usage which I have discovered (except the general mechanics of how they works) that Partner Interconnect allow traffic to not travel through internet, while for Cloud VPN travels through internet and also both of the support only BGP.  While in the official Google documentation the following is stated “HA VPN over Cloud Interconnect provides the benefit of IPsec encryption that you get from Cloud VPN while also deploying the larger capacity of  Partner Cloud Interconnect” - however it seems only valid for Direct Interconnect, while the general traffic capacity for Partner Interconnect and Cloud VPN seems to be the same. Please help me choose, what is the most suitable hybrid connection solution ?

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Hello Ruslan.

I think this part of the documentation might come in handy for you

In a nuthsell;

Cloud VPN is used for situations where you want lower costs and don't need as much bandwith. Traffic goes trough the public internet which means that your connection is subject to internet congestion or routing and so on. IPSEC is very common and secure but I've seen people choose interconnect over VPN due to safety or compliance concerns derived from traffic going trough public internet.

Interconnect is meant for enterprise-grade connections with high troughput or situations where you don't want your traffic going trough public internet but it can get quite expensive


Hi @ruslan090203 ,

I agree with @VictorAG, this documentation regarding how to choose or what to choose for your network solutions can be helpful in considering what suits your setup.

You may also consider contacting your Technical Account Manager (TAM) as they can provide advice and guides on choosing the most suitable hybrid connection solution.