New to Google Kubernetes Engine? Check out this no cost 2 day learning event!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Cloud Learn is our first no-cost, multi-day learning event. Join us Dec 8 - 9 (or 10, if you're located in EMEA) for live demos, career development workshops, hands-on labs, & more!


Check out the full agenda and register here.

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Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

I'm going to insert a shameless plug here, but I created Free Tier GKE GitHub repo last year with code on how to run your own GKE cluster for as little as $5 USD/mth.  It's been pretty popular (87 stars and counting!), but if you want to learn more about GKE and practice beyond the Cloud Learn event or just want your own GKE cluster for a personal project...give it a read.  It's done via Terraform, but if you read thru the README I describe all the settings you need so you can create you own even from the GCP Console!

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