OPS-Agent windows delay

Good afternoon,
I have the ops-agents agent installed on windows, the system and application logs arrive without any problem to GCP, however, the security logs are received with a delay of about 3 hours in gcp.

Could someone help me to get them without this delay?


Hi @javiriosc1,

Welcome to the Google Cloud Community!

Could you please provide more details regarding the "security logs" you mentioned? Specifically, are you referring to logs that you're viewing under the Metrics tab within the Google Cloud Console, or are they categorized by a certain Severity level within the Logs Explorer?


Additionally, are these security logs generated by a particular application or service on your Windows/Linux server, or are they standard Windows/Linux security event logs?

You may review these documents for more information:


Hello, sorry for delay,
Its about win event logs Security, I only have  system and application logs of win event logs


i saw health-check.log but i dont search any error
I have the default agent configuration, so i should be able to see the application, system and security logs, but we are not seeing the security logs.