Optimizing AppSheet: A Call to Enhance User Experience Through Critical Feature Improvements

Dear Dev Team,

I hope this message finds you well. As we continue to enhance the user experience on AppSheet, I'd like to draw your attention to some critical improvements that, when implemented, will significantly elevate the platform's functionality and, subsequently, user satisfaction.

  1. Consistent Column Naming: Simplifying the rules for calling column variables across functions, especially in Lookup and Maxrow/Minrow, is pivotal. Standardizing the use of either [Column Name] or "Column Name" will not only streamline the process for new users but also reduce the likelihood of errors. I think we should make a rule only using square brackets for all [Column name].

  2. Lookup Function Enhancement: Refining the Lookup function to a more intuitive format can significantly improve usability. Adopting the syntax: Lookup([_Thisrow].[Column Name], "Table Name to search", "Column Name with the value to search for", "Column Name to return") ensures clarity and reduces ambiguity. I prefer a new Syntax for Lookup as Lookup([_Thisrow].[Column Name], "Table Name to search", [Column Name with the value to search for], [Column Name to return])

  3. Maxrow and Minrow Consistency: Aligning the syntax for Maxrow and Minrow by using double quotes for the "Sorting Column Name" and square brackets for the column name in the condition clause will make the functions more cohesive and easier to grasp. I Prefer the new syntax for Maxrow as Maxrow("Data", [Column to order], Condition)

  4. Conditional Function Clarity: Ensuring that conditional functions like If, Ifs, and Switch consistently operate without needing [_Thisrow].[Column Name] will enhance user confidence. This approach maintains predictability and reduces the risk of unintentional errors.

  5. Round Function Enhancement: Introducing a second argument for the Round function, such as Round([Column], 2), allows users more control over the rounding process, contributing to a more versatile and user-friendly experience.

  6. Proper() Function Integration: The addition of the Proper() function or a similar feature can greatly assist users in capitalizing the first letter of each word, which is particularly beneficial when working with names or locations. Alternatively, incorporating this capability into the "Type Column as Name" will be auto Propercase for text feature would be a seamless enhancement.

By addressing these aspects, we not only align AppSheet with industry conventions but also create a more consistent, user-friendly environment. These improvements will undoubtedly enhance the overall user experience, making AppSheet more accessible and enjoyable for both new and experienced users.

Your dedication to excellence is commendable, and I am confident that your expertise will bring about positive changes. Let's work together to make these enhancements a reality, enhancing AppSheet's reputation as a cutting-edge and user-centric platform.

Thank you for your attention and commitment to our shared goal of continuous improvement.

Best regards,

Hien Nguyen

Status Open
6 4 671
Platinum 1
Platinum 1

RE #1-#3:
"Column" refers to the column itself, whereas [Column] refers to the value in the column from a specific row. These are functionally separate, they could not be combined.

RE #4:
You should not be using THISROW within if, ifs, or switch functions. THISROW is only needed when there is a change of context in the formula, which just means when you use SELECT or any function that is a wrapper on SELECT, such as FILTER/LOOKUP/MAXROW/MINROW.


Silver 2
Silver 2

@Marc_Dillon wrote:

THISROW is only needed when there is a change of context in the formula, which just means when you use SELECT or any function that is a wrapper on SELECT, such as FILTER/LOOKUP/MAXROW/MINROW.


Do you think Appsheet should change the syntax to define Column in Maxrow and Lookup must be the same variant for all columns? I think Appsheet should define all columns as [Column name] instead of "Column name".

Platinum 1
Platinum 1

No I do not.

Silver 2
Silver 2

@Marc_Dillon wrote:

No I do not.

I Think:  for current syntax: Lookup([_Thisrow].[Product ID], "Product", "Product ID", "Product Name")

should change to:

Lookup([_Thisrow].[Product ID], "Product", [Product ID], [Product Name])

Like Minrow/ maxrow, we should use the same variant type for columns.