Builder: Is it possible to search across all of the app? across titles, expressions, etc


In my spreadsheet I have a tickets table with ticket types as one of the columns. I changed one of my ticket types from "CR" to "Request" I changed all rows in mud spreadsheet that had CR and changed them all to Request.

Ive renamed the views I could find, the expressions I could find and slices to change any CR to Request.

Today I found a form in my app that wasn't working, checked the expression and found I needed to change CR to Request. 

I have probably missed other CR's that I need to change to Request, but I can't remember and without going through the entire app field by field (I have 30 tables, a handful of them having 40 columns (20 physical, 20 virtual), some of the columns have a combination of formula, show formula and data validation formula,  144 views, similar number of behaviours, half a dozen bots, etc. I could spend a day clicking through every single field in the app.

Is there any way to search across all text / expressions etc in my app? I need to do a search for "CR" (including the quotes). there has been a lot of other times where I have written for long expression for filtering or whatever other reasons and then later added a new table or view and thought I want to copy that long expression and modify it to work here but I can't remember where in the app it located so I can't do that.

Search would be a feature I use very frequently if there was a way

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