Add filter capability on top of the columns

Please add a capability of filter on top of the columns in excel.
This site has this feature.

When i upload my excel data there is a filter button on top of any column and I can sort and select data as any parameters that I want. ( Exactly like Excel software)

I wish appsheet had this capability

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New Member

Anybody isn’t here?
No answer !

Gold 1
Gold 1

Hi! I see that you’ve gotten some positive responses. Thanks for posting this idea.

Gold 4
Gold 4

In the past (years ago…), I put the same requests to the feature request app, but it should been buried now.
In addition to the filtering the columns individually, I wish to have options (for each app users)

  1. to re order the sequence of the column.
  2. Show / Hide toggle
  3. Add column

and save own setting.

Should be great and welcome by the app user to give more of interaction and free hands to customise the views.

Gold 1
Gold 1

@you_tube and friends,

I’m not sure I understand exactly how this kind of filtering works. Would it be similar to what I wrote about here:

Platinum 1
Platinum 1

I think this functionality would be awesome as it eliminates the need to guess what filtered views a user may want or need - they create their own.

I do understand that there is a lot of UI pieces that this kind of request requires so I wouldn’t expect it to be added anytime soon. But, it is the next evolution to our Table views.

Gold 1
Gold 1

I finally got around to checking out “Open as Apps” ( The filter function is cool. It doesn’t seem to have the kind of hierarchical sorting function I mentioned, the filtering goes a long way toward meeting that need. It seems to me, though, that the hierarchical sorting would be less of a departure from the AppSheet format – though I too would like to see the filtering.

By the way, in most respects, AppSheet still seems to be way ahead:

New Member

The biggest thing OaS seems to offer that could have a slight edge would be their customizable options for how data is viewed. But I think with all the work going into how the Card beta is turning out, it will be a moot point in a the coming months.

Gold 4
Gold 4

I used to use Openasapp, clever German system! and I was impressed with their filtering function for table view, which I wish to have on Appsheet!

New Member

I’m still looking for this capability.
Is there anyone to have an idea?

Gold 1
Gold 1

Hi @you_tube! You’ve made a very good proposal that’s gotten a lot of support. I suspect that AppSheet will look into implementing this because many people seem to want it (me too). I think, though, that AppSheet is pretty quick to fix bugs but rather slow and cautious about adding features. So, personally, even though I agree that this is a good idea, I’m not surprised that it hasn’t been added to the platform yet.

You might try writing to to see if they are considering adding this kind of feature.

Silver 5
Silver 5

My understanding is that filterable columns is a standard material design for Google, and the table view is getting revamped to include this… Along with other face lifts… So in a way this will be accomplished with that upgrade…

New Member

@praveen @Steve
I would really like to know if there will be a possibility to filter data in a table view in the near future …
Also, I would love to know if you plan to add a total row in a table view?
I think it is really practical and will help a lot!

Sorry for the English if it is not clear (google translate… )

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

I’m afraid I have no insight to offer here. I just don’t know.

Gold 1
Gold 1



Yes, this is being actively worked on. We have internal demos working already. So it is past the stage of “we want to work on it”, and past the stage of “we have assigned it to a developer” and it is in the stage of “how do we get it to the stage of making it available”.