Dashboard - save multiple filter values and auto-apply them in Look

My case
I have a dashboard with Filter panel. One filter can have multiple values. I want to save the selected filter values and redirect the user to Look and at the same time auto-apply filters.

The problem - I can get 1 value of the filter but struggle with getting all the values.
Use case
User opens Dashboard
User selects filter Gender and selects M and F
The user initiates redirection to Look (??? also questionable)
The user is redirected to the Look and see filter Gender with auto-applied values F and M

For point 3 - 1. Button on the dashboard, 2. image with a link, 3. text box with a link, 4. dimension formatted as html button + link
But I constantly can get only 1 value, not both.

Liquid expression I use in dimension expression
link: {
      label: "Autoapply selection filters and send it using custom action"
      url: "https://crystalloids.eu.looker.com/looks/56?f[orders.shipping_address_country_code]={{orders.shipping_address_country_code._value}}"

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