Looker ReactJS Extension Deployment

I have created a Looker extension in ReactJS application. Able to run React app locally and its working fine with the Looker (added localhost url in the Looker project manifest file). But since the extension running in my local machine it is not accessible to  other developers whos working on the same Looker instance. 

How do I need to deploy the extension so that it should able to access all the developers who has access to that looker instance? 

Does Looker provides any app server to run my extension app?

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Put it in the repo and deploy, it sits alongside lookml files

@IanT Thankyou for your reply. Could you please give me more insights on the the process if possible. It will be very helpful for us.

We created a project in Looker and created a dashboard using the model. 

I am running reactJS application locally using “yarn develop” command and the url “http://localhost:8080/bundle.js” I added in the Looker project manifest.lkml file and able to run Extension React app from the Looker Browse menu(Followed Looker extension document- https://docs.looker.com/data-modeling/extension-framework/installing-extension).

Do I need to build my React app and add that build code into the Looker project repo alongside manifest.lkml file and push the changes into production?

So how it will run in the Looker environment and which url do I need to add in the Project manifest file.

Yes, just use “file” in the manifest as so: 


Thanks for your support. We are able to deploy and run extension using moving bundle.js file to the project folder and pointing the path in the manifest file.