Embedded Looker Dashboard: Disable "Move to Trash..."

New Member

We’re using embedded looker dashboards / explores / looks. By enabling the save_content permission a user is able to edit the dashboard. They are also able to delete it. The Move to Trash... menu item is enabled. Is there a way to disable it?

I was hoping to manage all the Dashoard lifecycle OUTSIDE of the embedded frame.

If this cannot be done, are there any events I could identify a delete? e.g. sent from IFRAME back to parent?

Thanks in advance.

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New Member

Replying to my own topic…

What I have found is that when an embedded dashboard is deleted, the page redirects to a page:
/embed/message/dashboard_deleted. I can listen for the page:changed event and inspect the URL. If the URL matches that “known deleted URL”, I can detect it and perform some additional logic in the redirected page’s controller.

This approach is fragile, if Looker changes the dashboard_deleted URL or its different among Looker versions. But I may settle for this right now.

Would still like to know if there is a way to disable it. If there isn’t, please consider this as a Feature Request 🙂