Unexpected cache miss during docker build step in Cloud Build

On January 8, the docker build step in my Cloud Build config stopped using the docker layer cache where it would previously.

An early step in my Dockerfile is:

RUN apt-get update -qq && \
apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y build-essential default-libmysqlclient-dev git libvips pkg-config

That step would previously be a cache hit during most builds. Now it misses every time. 

I am using gcr.io/kaniko-project/executor:latest with the "cache=true" argument to build my image. But I tried switching to the approach described here, using gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker with "--cache-from", and I get a cache miss on the same step.

I've tried re-running the same build repeatedly (using the same git revision) and get a cache miss at the same step every time.

When I build the docker image on my local machine, the cached layer is used as expected.

I was using Container Registry previously. Once I started seeing this problem, I migrated to Artifact Registry, and I see the same behavior.

I'm not sure how to proceed in debugging this issue. Any suggestions would be appreciated.




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Were you ever able to solve or get to the root of this problem?

No, I was not. I reached out to Google Cloud Support and they weren't able to figure out a solution either. Are you experiencing the same problem?