Reset account and restart "Setup foundation"

I there, i just created an organisation account, went through the "Setup foundation" wizard, but i'm not happy with what i did, i would like to start the wizard from scratch.

I tried to delete resources, groups, ... but this did not reset the wizard, i now have a lot of errors here and there.

Is there a way to clean the account and restart the "Setup foundation" wizard?

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Hello @chgans ,

Welcome to Google Cloud Community!

You can try the following steps to clean your account and reset the wizard:

1. Go to your Google Cloud Console and select the project you created during the initial setup.

  • Click on the project name at the top-left corner of the console.
  • At the top-right corner of the console, click the ellipsis and select "IAM & Admin" and go to "Settings".
  • Click the "Shut down" button and confirm the project deletion.

2. Clean up resources

  • In the Google Cloud Console, go to the "Storage" page and delete any storage associated with your project.
  • Check your "Compute Engine"  page and remove any remaining instances or disks that may be present.
  • Evaluate other services employed during the setup, such as databases or networking components, and remove any remaining resources.

3. Delete the organization .

  • To delete your Organization's Google Account, follow the steps provided in the documentation link.
  • You may contact Google Cloud Support for assistance with organization deletion, as this is an irreversible action or if the above steps don't help.

After these steps, you can start the "Setup foundation" wizard again by following the initial setup process. Refer to the Google Cloud Documentation on how to initiate the wizard.