Newly added redirect_uri not working ?


sorry if this is a dumb question, i am a fresh developper.

I create a Google oauth app which is working fine. 

My issue is that I have a main portal and subtotal that allows user to connect from. 


when I use Google Auth to connect it says mismatch redirect_uri.

I added the new redirecturi to match exactly what I need and the error return the correct redirect uri. 


so I am wondering since my app is live do I need to republish somewhere the application for the change to be applied. or do I simply need to wait ?


for instance the main portal is




both are authorized in the app but the second one was added later on and refuse to work



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Hi @Terkhal,

Welcome to the Google Cloud Community!

What is the exact error you're encountering? Is it Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch?

If that is the case, this issue is commonly seen in OAuth. On the error page, there should be a link labeled error details. Please click on this link and share with me the specific error message you are receiving.

In the Credentials section, under Client ID for Web application and Authorized redirect URIs, please ensure that you have correctly entered the URIs, including https:// and the / trailing slashes.

Alternatively, you might find it useful to check out a YouTube video on this topic to see if it can help resolve your issue.

If the above options don't work, you can contact Google Cloud Support to further look into your case. Thank you! 😃
