Google Workstation KVM Support

Hello, I was wondering if there is any way/plans to enable nested virtualization on google workstations?

Because only the workstation disk is persistent, I don't believe that the existing gCLI commands to enable nested virtualization on the workstation's underlying VM Instance would work as those require a VM restart. It would be very helpful for my use case if there was a way to configure the workstation to pass flags (such as enabling nested virtualization) when spinning up the GCE VM.

Specifically, I am using workstation as an android development environment, and being able to run an emulator directly in workstation (which requires KVM support) would reduce complexity and time to build and view changes to code.

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Hello @maholland,

Welcome to Google Cloud Community!

I understand that this is important to you but upon further checking, this feature is not yet supported.

You may submit your query as a Feature Request in the Public Issue Tracker. However, for feature requests there is no guarantee of any time frame for updates or that the requested feature will be implemented.

Thanks for your patience.