GCP Logging for push and pull of images to GCP Artifact registry repositories

Hi, I would like to get logging to detect who is pushing new images or pulling existing images from GCP Artifact Registry Repositories. Currently, I don't see any new logs being generated in the GCP Logging Explorer when I perform these actions using docker and gcloud with test images.

Below are the commands I am running to successfully push and pull images. However, I am not seeing any logs being generated in the GCP Logging Explorer. 


gcloud auth configure-docker australia-southeast1-docker.pkg.dev

docker tag alpine:latest australia-southeast1-docker.pkg.dev/test-repo-362912/testrepository/alpine1:latest

docker push australia-southeast1-docker.pkg.dev/test-repo-362912/testrepository/alpine1:latest

docker pull \



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Did you enable audit logs? To receive Data Access audit logs, you must explicitly enable them. This post may be helpful. Here you’ll find extra information about Artifact Registry audit logging information. You should also try this troubleshooting guide.

I don't see the logs either after explicitly enabling  it for the project as detailed here. Can you guys troubleshoot on your end that this feature does in fact work?