Valid GA4 Session Campaign Data in BigQuery


I want to create a report in Looker Studio based showing the performances of campaigns. Therefore I'm preparing the raw GA4 data I gather in BigQuery.

As I was compairing the number of sessions for each campaign in the GA4 interface with the number of sessions in BQ, I noticed some major differences. Not just the "usual" disprepancies, but some major ones.
Now after some time, I noticed that when you use the "traffic.source" object and respectively the "" field , that this is basicly what the metric "First Session Campaign" is in GA4!

But for my report, I want to get what the GA4 interace calls "Session Campaign".

Is there/whic is the best way to get the session campaign data instead of only getting the "first session campaign" data in BQ?

Thanks in advance 🙂

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